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Small reusable dip bowls with lids – saucer | A5S

The small reusable sauce bowl is part of the Kio by Re-uz ® range of reusable tableware. This mini sauce bowl is the ideal container foraccompanying takeaway dishes: tapas bowls, soy sauce bowls, barbecue sauce bowls, mayonnaise bowls… This dipping saucer is hermetically resealable. Liquids, condiments, seasonings and spices can be easily stored in the 70-ml container. Its practical square format (7.20 cm square). Its depth is reduced (2.20 cm). Each bowl can be hermetically sealed with a specially designed ergonomic lid. Once closed, the bowls can be stacked on top of each other: an ingenious system of notches and lugs ensures maximum stability during transport.

This “Japanese bowl” or “tapas bowl” can be washed and used again and again. Eco-designed, it will be the essential accessory / utensil for your establishment.

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Re uz referenceA5S
DishesServing dishes
Take-away crockery
Capacity8 cl
2.70 fl oz ( oz liq )
Weight0.57 oz, 16 grammes
Length2.83 ", 72 mm
Width2.83 ", 72 mm
Height1.18 ", 30 mm


LidAirtight lid
Associated cover referenceKIO LID A5C, Lid
WashingDishwasher safe
Temperature resistanceUp to 194°F
Up to 90°C

Colors / Customization

Container colourFrosted clear
Lid colourGray (community), Green (purchase)
Types of printing & personalisationNeutral without personalisation

Delivery & packaging

Reuse solutionNetwork & community
DeliveryAt home, On event, Pickup point
Packaging300 units per box
pictogramme bon pour l'environnement
Made in Europe

All our customizable cups are made and personalized in Europe

The Re-uz expertise

Our dedicated teams support you in your projects. We adapt our solutions to your needs.


Personalized to be reused, our eco-responsible containers are infinitely customizable!

The approach

Our approach: combine practical, ecological and sustainable to make reuse obvious.

A small, ergonomic bowl that's 100% reusable

The small reusable sushi sauce bowl completes the Kio by Re-uz ® range of eco-designed tableware. This resealable bowl combines design and durability. Its small square format is right up to date. It is ideal for table service or takeaway. Ergonomically designed lids provide foolproof mobility.
This little Kio by Re-uz ® gravy boat is made in our workshops. Thus, Re-uz ® favors short circuits to help reduce the carbon footprint of each product, from manufacture to use by customers.

The Kio by Re-uz ® mini plastic sauce bowl: practicality at the service of ecology

The Kio by Re-uz ® small sauce bowl is square in shape. Sober, modern and practical thanks to its cap, it can be used to create sauces to accompany any dish. Tempura sauce, nuöc màm, soy sauce, vinaigrette… any condiment can be served here. For savoury delights or sweet flavours, give free rein to your imagination thanks to the versatility of its use.

This little “dip” bowl is a hit with caterers and restaurateurs alike. This container matches the Kio by Re-uz ® range of modular, reusable tableware. The concept: make re-use a matter of course, while simplifying life for restaurateurs.

This mini-bol is sturdy and shock-resistant. It can fall to the ground and won’t break. The lids are ingenious: the little feet of each bowl fit into the lids. They can then be stacked on top of each other: the legs fit together perfectly. Stacked, the containers are extremely stable. This feature simplifies travel (even at the peak of the service).

The lids are ingenious: the little feet of each bowl fit into the lids. They can therefore be stacked on top of each other: the feet fit together perfectly.

Stacked, the containers are extremely stable. This feature simplifies travel (even at the peak of the service).

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Kio by Re-uz ® mini sauce bowls are made from food-grade thermoplastic polymer (ABS). Only one material is used in its manufacture, making the container 100% recyclable.

Although this bowl is small (the smallest container in the Kio by Re-uz ® range), the thickness of the walls is such that the heat is correctly maintained without risk of burns when handling them.

The bowls are thermo-molded in a single piece: extreme resistance to mechanical and thermal shock.

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A practical square ramekin for meal preparation in the kitchen

Sauce or juice sets the tone for a dish in the kitchen! Hollandaise sauce, béchamel sauce, barbecue sauce, mayonnaise sauce, béarnaise sauce, sweet and sour sauce, pepper sauce… Sauce is like salt or pepper: an indispensable part of culinary preparations. Don’t deprive your customers of the flavors and subtle tastes of your preparations!

Kio by Re-uz ® sauce bowls are ideal for preserving juices and/or preparing sauces before serving. Containers can be stacked on the work surface during preparation.

The bowls can be placed in the microwave or hot oven (up to 80°C). These small containers can also withstand cold and freezing: they can be placed in a refrigerated cabinet or in the freezer. The associated small lid is therefore a real asset for preserving sauces and multiple preparations prior to serving.

A reusable plastic saucer to forget single use

The Kio by Re-uz ® range of tableware lets you forget about single-use containers … and make way for reuse! Designed by restaurateurs for restaurateurs, the range’s eco-designed containers will help you limit your impact on the environment. Restaurateurs, caterers, associations, trade show organizers, festivals: all the players in the events and takeaway sectors can use them like no other. These little bowls can be reused again and again!
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The Kio Box community: returnable crockery from a network of restaurateurs committed to reuse

Kio Box by Re-uz ® is a community of committed restaurateurs. Within this network, the deposit/guarantee system is popular, orchestrated… and widespread! Every container that travels from facility to facility is consigned: containers can be moved from point A to point B with ease. How does this network work?

Pictogramme re-uz restauration à emporter

The Kio Box community to promote reuse and share the use of eco-responsible containers

The Kio Box community is made up of a number of retailers who are committed to the concept of re-use. Together, they form a veritable network. Each chain offers takeaway meals to its customers. Dishes are served in returnable crockery. The latter is deposited with your retailer, but also within the community: the deposit is generalized there. The device is illustrated as follows…

Take away ... Back: the return of returnable bowls in restaurants

Mini sauce bowls, like all Kio Box by Re-uz ® tableware, are nomadic: they can be easily transported. Each container is fitted with an ergonomic lid for easy portability. Within the Kio Box community, containers (plates, bowls, trays, etc.) are used and reused again and again.

Widespread reuse within the community both limits single use and builds loyalty. Loyalty is twofold: within the community AND within your establishment!

The concept works for both takeaway and home delivery. A deposit is required on the purchase of a dish prepared by your customer (accompanied by a delicate sauce). He can then take his meal home. You will keep the deposit until the container(s) are returned. Your customers can return their empty, pre-washed bowls and other dishes to you. You will then return the deposit he originally entrusted to you.

gamme kio avec couvercle noir
le petit bol réemployable Kio au sein de la gamme

A network of environmentally-conscious restaurateurs for committed takeaways

A second alternative is for your customer to return the bowls and containers to another retailer who is part of the community. The partner restaurant will then return the deposit when it collects the deposited crockery. For your part, you keep the deposit you initially entrusted to us.

With this system, you’ll have one less bowl in your stock … but you’ll keep the deposit you haven’t returned. The bowl will have travelled from point A to point B within the network… No container will have been thrown away.

Kio Box by Re-uz ®" tableware dedicated to re-use, in transit within the community

The use of reusable containers operates as a closed circuit within the community. Only network members can benefit from shared reuse. Containers are identified by the color of their lids, associating mobility with eco-responsibility.

vaisselle nomade & réemployable by Re-uz
ensemble de la gamme Kio Box by Re-uz au sein du réseau pour le réemploi

How can I join the Kio Box community?

To join the Kio Box community, complete your application on the site by filling in the few details requested. The Re-uz ® teams will be happy to help you. The details of the system will be explained.
Membership of the community is by subscription. It will enable you to be recognized as a community partner. You’ll receive a communication kit to display in front of your establishment. You’ll also have the communication tools you need to explain the concept to your customers.
You can then place your first order for reusable containers. Our teams will deliver them directly to your facility.

If your stock of containers dwindles after an initial period of use, this means that you have a large number of unreturned deposits. You can use these unredeemed deposits to order new Kio Box by Re-uz ® plates and dishes.
If, on the other hand, you have too many plates in stock, Re-uz ® will take them back at the price of their deposit. In this way, the operation is neutral for each partner.

How can I identify the containers in the Kio Box by Re-uz ® community?

Kio Box containers are identified by the color of their lids. Take-away sales require the use of the latter. Only members of the community have this color cover. It is different for purchased and leased containers.
Join the zero waste movementand the Kio Box by Re-uz ® community!

pictogramme feuille nature écologique