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Reusable custom printed tumblers – coffee cups with lid | 6.80 oz / 200 ml | HOTCUP 20

The Re-uz ® reusable hot cup is a container particularly suited to serving hot drinks. This cup has a useful capacity of 20 cl: a format particularly suited to takeaway coffees.
Made from thick, sturdy plastic, it’s surprisingly light (24 grams) and sturdy.
This cup has been designed to be used (and reused) several hundred times. Ergonomic, washable and stackable, it democratizes re-use within your structure.

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Re uz referenceHOTCUP 20
DishesReusable plastic tumbler glasses & drinking glasses
Takeaway drinks
Type of dishesCup
Cup and mug
Capacity28 cl
9.50 fl oz ( oz liq )
Useful capacity20 cl
6.80 fl oz ( oz liq )
Weight0.71 oz, 20 grammes
Height2.95 ", 75 mm
Bottom diameter2.44 ", 62 mm
Upper diameter3.39 ", 86 mm
MaterialsPolypropylène (PP)


LidNomadic spout lid with hole
Associated cover referenceLid, HOTCUP LID
Type of drinks servedCold drink
Hot beverages
Hot chocolate
Hot wine
WashingDishwasher safe
Temperature resistanceUp to 230°F
Up to 110°C

Colors / Customization

Container colourFrosted clear, Brown
Lid colourBlue, Brown, Cream, Pink
Types of printing & personalisationNeutral without personalisation
Quadrichromie IML
Screen printing 1 color
Customization areaIML : 200 mm x 53 mm, Screen printing : 200 mm x 40 mm, IML : 7.87 " x 2.09 ", Screen printing: 7.87 '' x 1.57 "

Delivery & packaging

Reuse solutionNetwork & community
DeliveryAt home, On event, Pickup point
Packaging450 units per box
pictogramme bon pour l'environnement
Made in Europe

All our customizable cups are made and personalized in Europe

The Re-uz expertise

Our dedicated teams support you in your projects. We adapt our solutions to your needs.


Personalized to be reused, our eco-responsible containers are infinitely customizable!

The approach

Our approach: combine practical, ecological and sustainable to make reuse obvious.

Purchase of 20 cl Re-uz ® reusable coffee cups

By offering simple alternatives to disposable items, Re-uz has established itself as a key player in the field of re-use. The “hot cups” range has been designed for intensive use and re-use of containers. Like single-use cups, Re-uz ® reusable mugs are a simple way to consume content only (rather than content and container).

Adopting these eco-responsible cups is a simple way to respect the environment by limiting waste. With a deposit system deployed at your facility, you’re opting for a more environmentally-friendly approach.
In tune with the times, Re-uz reusable cups are adapted to an increasingly nomadic consumption pattern, while limiting environmental impact.

Hotcup avec la gamme des 4 couvercles

Eco-responsible reusable 20 cl coffee cups

The 20 cl hot cup combines sustainability with practicality. It’s a simple way to adopt an eco-responsible approach within your organization, by limiting the use of single-use containers.
The 20 cl hot cups are designed to last… so they can be reused!
They are extremely resistant to mechanical and thermal shock. They can therefore be washed at high temperatures and reused again and again.

Designed with mobility in mind, these cups can be used in your establishment just like conventional tableware. Made from BPA-free polypropylene, they comply with all current food standards. Their proven resistance to high temperatures (up to 110°C) means they can accommodate all types of hot beverage: coffee, tea, hot chocolate… They can also be placed in the microwave to reheat their contents. The thickness of the plastic used to manufacture the cup prevents any burning sensation in the fingers.

Practical, ergonomic and reusable coffee cups

The cup’s flared shape also accommodates all types of foodstuffs: ice cream, chocolate mousse, creams, desserts… A resolutely versatile container for high-quality service.

Hot cup 20 cl cups, like the rest of the range, are stackable. This feature optimizes container storage and organization. Their deployment is therefore made easier by their great practicality.

Designed to be portable, each cup can be fitted with a lid. Re-uz ® has designed a unique cap to fit all three hot cup formats ( 200 ml, 380 ml, 480 ml ). So the cup is easy to take with you. A deposit will then be arranged with the customer at the time of service.

Billiecup gamme avec couvercle

Personalized coffee cups for reuse

The 20 cl hot cups are part of the virtuous circle of re-use. Re-uz ® strives to mobilize everyone towards a cleaner, more environmentally-friendly way of consuming… Why and how?

achat réemploi re-uz

Sustainable containers with strong ecological values

Re-uz ® 20 centiliter hot cups are reusable and offer a real alternative to disposable containers. They make single-use plastic cups, plastic-lined paper cups and many other disposable containers obsolete.
Re-uz ® 20 centilitre hot cups are durable. They can be used and reused again and again. Eco-designed, they are a way of making everyday uses more eco-responsible.
Re-uz ® 20-centilitre hot cups are practical. The cups are stackable, making them easy to store behind the counter. These cups can be carried and taken away by customers. The ergonomic lid makes it easy to walk around without spillage.

Re-uz ® 20 centiliter hot cups are customizable to encourage reuse. It’s no coincidence that personalization allows us to make our containers unique, to convey strong values and an assertive commitment.

How to personalize your Hot Cup Re-uz ® 20 cl?

Thermo-molded in a single piece, the 20 cl hot cup is prefabricated (without customization) in our workshops. It will then be customized.
Define in advance the quantity of cups you need. Choose one of the customizations available.
Use the templates we provide. Appropriate formats for your graphic elements. Then load them and add your request to the quote. The Re-uz ® teams will be happy to provide you with a customized quotation.

hotcup 20 cl couleur brun
Hotcup 20 cl effet givré impression café

A personalized silk-screened 20 cl mug

Re-uz ® lets you personalize your mugs with your own graphic elements. These are then screen-printed using a specific customization technique orchestrated by our teams.

This method of personalization delivers outstanding precision and finesse of line.

The use of silk-screen printing allows the shape of the cup to be fully adapted. You’ll have plenty of room to express yourself over a large part of the container. Markers are positioned within the templates provided.

The screen-printed visual features a delicate matte effect: a real symbiosis with the sides of the cup.

The Billie Cup community or the generalized deposit principle

Re-uz ® has developed and implemented a generalized deposit system within a network of committed cafés. This is the Billie Cup community. How does this network work?

The Billie Cup community: when it comes to recycling, there's strength in numbers.

The Billie Cup community is a group of several sales outlets (cafés, pubs, etc.). They are all committed to taking concrete action to limit waste by promoting a meaningful eco-responsible approach.

The network deploys a generalized deposit system. A simple illustration of this…

Recovering your returnable cups

Designed to be portable, Re-uz ® cups are intended to be taken along by customers or users. When you buy a coffee, tea, hot chocolate… your customer pays the price of the drink and deposits a security deposit. He will be able to leave your establishment… You will have his deposit.
This same customer can then return to your establishment and drop off his empty cup again. You will then return his deposit. It’s simply a setpoint device. This principle has been around for decades, thanks in particular to Ecocup ® for events.

A community and a network of generalized instructions to act together

Your customers can order a drink at your establishment and take it away with them. It can then make a trip. Instead of returning the cup directly to you, he may decide to drop off his empty cup at another partner establishment. The partner will then return the deposit by collecting the container. You will keep the deposit he originally entrusted to you.
You will have one less cup in your stock and will keep the unreturned deposit. The cup will have traveled from point A to point B. No cup will have been thrown away.

Billie Cup in transit within the community

The Billie Cup community is growing by the day. It combines mobility and eco-responsibility. It’s part of the virtuous circle of re-use and goes beyond borders.

How can I join the Billie Cup community?

To become part of the Bille Cup community, complete your request and add it to your quote. The Re-uz ® teams have all the information they need to help you make the right choice.
Membership of the community is by subscription. In this way, you’ll be included in the partner network and benefit from all the communication associated with your registration. You can then order a first batch of reusable cups. These will be dedicated to your establishment.
If your stock of Billie Cups diminishes over time, this means you have a certain volume of deposits. You can use it to order new cups.
If you have too many cups, Re-uz ® will take them back at the price of the deposit. In this way, the operation is neutral for each partner.

How to identify a Billie Cup?

Billie Cup cups have the same intrinsic characteristics as Re-uz ® hot cups. They do, however, feature the Billie Cup logo and the words “Bring me Back” screen-printed on them. In this way, membership of the network is clearly established. The reuse system within the network is clearly identified. Join the zero waste movement.